Krista Hiser
1 min readFeb 7, 2020


Why do I use pseudonyms in this blog?

Why do I feel it necessary to use pseudonymous institutional names, when I’m trying to be transparent…and when a simple google search will reveal my own institutional affiliations?

This was my instinct, but I appreciate thinking about why. For one, to preserve the confidentiality of the individuals I’m interviewing: my study includes 10 campuses, so if I don’t say which one, then they have more privacy. While yes, the individuals are indentifyable to themselves and folks who know them, I’m not including overmuch personal detail. Also, I’m interested in transcending the institution: what is it about the job function, training, and role of the faculty that might have applicability to other HEIs? You know what I mean? Trying to get past “oh yeah, that campus is a quagmire” or “that campus is awesome.”

The stories here are not intended as profiles of the individuals, though each of them is completely fascinating, but a compendium of teaching identities and where they come from, and how climate change impacts identity.

Also, I suppose some legal deniability should I irritate anybody with my musings.



Krista Hiser

Speedreader w. educational tendencies towards sustainability.